Thursday, 16 January 2014

Previous years questions from various Indian Universities - for MDS in Oral Pathology

1.      Granulomatous infections of the oral cavity- 100 mks (MU)
2.      Oro- facial pain-10 mks
3.      Classify giant cell lesions. Describe in detail CGCG- 20 mks
4.      Define hamartoma. Discuss hamartomatous lesions of the oral cavity-10 mks
5.      Discuss the DD of spindle cell tumours- 20 mks
6.      Discuss giant cell lesions-10 mks
7.      Discuss verrucous lesion of the oral cavity-20 mks
8.      Discuss autoimmune disorders- 100 mks  25 mks
9.      Discuss autoimmunity w.r.t. oral tissues- 20 mks  -
10.  Discuss in detail the VB lesions affecting the oral cavity- 20 mks
11.  Collagen disorders- 10 mks
12.  Discuss the histogenesis and CF of collagen diseases with special reference to those having oral manifestations- 25 mks
13.  Coloured/ pigmented  lesions of the oral cavity/ oral lesions of altered colouration-25 mks  100 mks  20 mks
14.  Pathologic calcifications-10 mks 
15.  Discuss the metaplasia and dysplasia- -10 mks
16.  Enumerate and describe the inflammatory conditions of the lips--10 mks
17.  Classify white lesions of the oral cavity and discuss in detail dermatologic lesions-20 mks
18.  DD of spindle cell tumours-20mks 
19.  Discuss in detail round cell tumours-20 mks 
20.  Describe in detail spindle cell tumors-20mks 
21.  Surgical anatomy of cervical LN-10 mks 
22.  Recurrent  apthous stomatitis-10 mks
23.  Discuss vascular lesions of the oral cavity-100 mks
24.  P53-10 mks
25.  Role of photography in oral pathology-10 mks
26.  Hamartomas of the oral cavity-10 mks
27.  Similarities and differences b/w-
o   Ulcer and erosion
o   Macule and papule
o   Hematoma and hamartoma
o   Necrosis and apoptosis
o   Thrombosis and embolism
o   Open and closed face nuclei
o   Cilia and flagella
o   Vermillion border and vermillion zone
o   Grading and staging
o   Primary and secondary cuticle
o   Desmosome and hemidesmosomes
o   Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
o   Transmitted and reflected light
o   Basement membrane and basal lamina
o   Carcinoma n sarcoma
o   True and pseudocapsule
o   Granulation tissue and granuloma
o   Langhan’s and Langerhan’s cell
o   Precancerous lesion and condition
o   Pink tooth and pink ‘s disease
o   Parakeratin and orthokeratin
o   Keratinisation and keratosis
o   Acidophilia and basophilia
o   Cushing’s syndrome and Cushing’s disease
o   Anomaly and anomalad
28.  Definitions and description of terminologies
o   Neoplasia
o   Prosoplasia
o   Metaplasia
o   Anaplasia
o   Dysplasia
o   Papule
o   Macule
o   Vesicle
o   Bulla
o   Nodule
o   Pustule
o   Choriostoma
o   Teratoma
o   Embolism
o   Karyohexxis
o   Karyolysis
o   Ergatoplasm
o   Transcription
o   Translation
o   Osteodentin
o   Cambium
o   Neurotropism
o   Inflammation
o   Cyst
o   Healing
o   Biopsy
o   Grossing
o   Ex. Cyto.
o   mutation
o   hypersensitivity
o   autoimmunity
o   rosette
o   denticles
o   cementicles
o   Autosomal D
o   AR
o   X-linked D
o   X-linked R
o   Chloroma
o   Dyskeratosis
o   Apocrine
o   Merocrine
o   Holocrine
o   Oral pathology
o   Syndrome
o   Pyknosis
o   Amphophilia
29.  Discuss conditions causing dryness of mouth- others
30.  Discuss oral manifestations of nutritional deficiencies- others
31.  Enumerate the causes of gingival bleeding- others
32.  Discuss the most important lesions of  occupational origin- others
33.  Write short notes on epithelioma- others
34.  Discuss Pathophysiology of keratinisation-others
35.  Describe keratinizing lesions of the oral mucosa- others short notes
36.  Describe lesions of the palate- others
37.  Radiolucent lesions of the jaws- others
38.  Discuss stress disorders of the oral cavity and the various lab tests used in their diagnosis-others
39.  Discuss normal structures of the oral cavity mistaken for disease process- others
40.  Discuss dystrophic oral lesions- others
41.  Role of diet and nutrition in the prevention of oral diseases- others
42.  Oral white lesions- others
43.  Genetic diseases of the oral cavity-others
44.  Hamartomatous lesions of the oral cavity- others
45.  Discuss cemental lesions- others
46.  Discuss oral tissue neoplasms in children- others
47.  Discuss the etiology, pathology and DD of pain in the max molar region- others
48.  Describe the immunological and allergic  with reference to oral cavity-    
49.  Oral mucosal lesions immunology-    
50.  Describe atrophic lesions of the lingual mucosa-    
51.  DD of jaw bone dysplasia-    
52.  Discuss the heritable disorders affecting oral lesions-    
53.  DD of R/L lesions of the jaws-    
54.  Verrucous lesions of the oral cavity-    
55.  Pathogenesis and histology of collagen diseases-    
56.  Describe cherubism and other intra-osseous giant cell lesions-    
57.  Discuss Pathophysiology of keratinisation-    
58.  Discuss dystrophic oral lesions-               
59.  DD of palatal lesions/ swellings
60.  Discuss fibromatous neoplastic lesions of the jaws-    
61.  Diagnostic measures in angle of mandible swellings-    
62.  Describe hyperplastic oral soft tissue lesions-     
63.  Describe lesions due to stress and antigenic substances and give their lab tests-    
64.  DD of papillary atrophy of the tongue-    
65.  Describe osteolytic lesions of the jaw-  
66.  Dental lesions characterized by loss of calcified tissue-    
67.  Discuss chronic jaw lesions-  
68.  Describe Apthous ulcers-    
69.  What are the chemical disorders? Give their oral manifestations and lab tests-    
70.  Discuss hemorrhagic cysts of the jaws-  
71.  Oral syndromes- GU
72.  Iatrogenic diseases-    
73.  Keratotic lesions or oro-facial pain- july 1991
74.  Describe the microscopic changes seen in leukoplakia, lichen planus and iron deficiency anemia. Describe the mechanisms briefly which may be responsible for the changes you have just described-April 1988
75.  Cystic lesions of the maxilla- April 1988
76.  DD of swellings at the angle of mandible- oct 1989
77.  Prion proteins and prion diseases- RGUHS 06-10 mks
78.  Vasoproliferative lesions of the oral mucosa- coll
79.  Myofibroblastic tumours of the oral cavity- coll
80.  Write a note on pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia- coll
81.  Major Apthous ulcers- coll
82.  Diagnostic approach to chronic non healing ulcers- coll
83.  Diagnostic approach to parotid swelling- coll
84.  Vascular lesions- coll-
85.  Chromatid exchange- GUJ

  1. Vitamin C deficiency- (10 mks)  
  2. Mucopolysacchroidosis-10 mks 
  3. Short notes- effect of avitaminosis A upon oral tissues- others
  4. Describe metabolic diseases involving the jaw- short notes others
  5. Describe iron deficiency and its mechanism and effects in oral tissues- others
  6. Oral aspects of nutritional deficiencies-    
  7. Describe metabolic diseases of the jaw-     
  8. Metabolic diseases affecting the jaws- RGUHS 06-20 mks

  1. Describe the systemic diseases affecting the gingiva-20 mks 
  2. Discuss and classify periodontitis. Describe in detail aggressive periodontitis 20mks 
  3. Drugs and periodontium-10 mks 
  4. Diagnosis of spontaneous gingival bleeding-10 mks 
  5. Papillon levefre syndrome-10 mks 
  6. Inflammatory hyperplasias of the gingiva--10 mks  10 mks 
  7. Discuss ANUG-10 mks
  8. Discuss gingival enlargement-10 mks
  9. Discuss normal oral microbial flora and discuss ANUG--20 mks
  10. Role of bacteria in the causation and progress of periodontal disease- others
  11. Short notes- role of bacteria in calculus formation- others
  12. H/P of periodontal diseases- others
  13. Bacterial plaque- others
  14. Describe the immunopathology of periodontal disease and oral cancer.-    
  15. Describe calculus w.r.t. periodontal lesions and prevention of calculus-    
  16. Immunology of periodontal disease-Oct 1989

  1. Discuss the effect of radiation on oral and paraoral tissues-- 25 mks(MU)
  2. Describe the various chemical injuries affecting  the oral mucosa-10 mks
  3. Discuss the etiology and CF of dental fluorosis-10 mks
  4. Discuss the various occupational hazards affecting the oral mucosa-10 mks
  5. Write notes of Osteoradionecrosis-10 mks
  6. Discuss lesions of oral mucosa that can be caused by drugs- others
  7. Discuss the chemical disorders associated with the oral tissues and the various lb tests for the detection of these- others
  8. Fluoride toxicity- others
  9. Reaction of oral mucosa to trauma-    
  10. Hazards of therapeutic radiation  on the oral mucosa-    
  11. Discuss drug induced oral lesions-  
  12. Dental fluorosis- April 1988(100mks)

1.      Describe carcinogenesis with reference to oral  cancer- 25 mks ( MU)
2.      Discuss the clinical, radiographic and H/P features of OSCC affecting oral tissues – 20 mks
3.      What are the concepts of premalignancy? Discuss the various premalignant conditions and lesions- 20 mks
4.      Role of beta carotene in oral neoplasia-10 mks
5.      Discuss metastatic tumours of jaw bones-25 mks
6.      Histologic variants in leukoplakia-10 mks
7.      Malignant melanoma-10 mks
8.      Metastatic tumours of the jaw-10 mks
9.      Discuss etiology of oral carcinoma- 10 mks
10.  Discuss in brief recent advances in the diagnosis of premalignant lesions-10 mks
11.  Mention the routes of metastasis and write in detail on the metastatic tumours of the mandible- 10 mks
12.  OSMF-100mks
13.  Tumour markers-10 mks
14.  Oral tissue neoplasms in children-10 mks
15.  Tobacco chewing and oral lesions- 10 mks
16.  Discuss recent concepts in malignancy grading systems for OSCC--20 mks
17.  Discuss carcinogenesis--10 mks
18.  Write on malignant melanoma--10 mks
19.  Clinical and histological variants of leukoplakia--10 mks
20.  Discuss epithelial dysplasia--10 mks
21.  Discuss the recent advances in the evaluation of oral malignancy-20 mks
22.  Role of AgNORs in oral pre- malignancy-10 mks
23.  Discuss the advanced methods in the evaluation of  oral precancerous and cancerous lesions-20 mks
24.  What is a nevus? Describe the types, clinical features and HP of various oral nevi-10 mks
25.  Role of oncogenic viruses in oral neoplasia-10 mks
26.  Advanced diagnostic and prognostic tools in oral cancer-20 mks 
27.  Immunology of oral cancer-100 mks
28.  Discuss carcinogenesis with relevance to oral cancer- others
29.  Discuss Etiopathogenesis and immunological alterations in OSMF- others
30.  Describe premalignant lesions of the oral cavity- others short notes
31.  Discuss histopathological changes in lesions occurring adjacent to cancer- others
32.  Discuss histopathological differentiation of oral cancer and precancer- others
33.  Discuss the histopathological changes occurring in the lesions adjacent to cancer- others
34.  Discuss cemental lesions- others
35.  Discuss  histopathological differentiation of oral cancer and precancer- others
36.  Describe histology of the dorsal surface of tongue and changes seen in leukoplakia-    
37.  Describe the immunopathology of periodontal disease and oral cancer.-  
38.  Describe in detail the spread of malignancy-    
39.  Short notes on chemical carcinogenesis-  
40.  Discuss OSMF with special reference to its premalignant nature-    
41.  Write about oral carcinogens-    
42.  Role of virus in oral cancers- RGUHS 06-20 mks
43.  Staging of OSCC- RGUHS 06-10 mks
44.  Oncogenes- RGUHS 06-10 mks
45.  AGNORs
46.  Methods of prognostic evaluation of premalignant lesions and carcinomas-1997

47.  Adenocarcinomas- 

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