1. Discuss the neoplastic lesions of bone of CT
origin- 20 mks
2. Classify
nerve tissue tumours and discuss in detail neurilemmoma-10 mks
3. What are
the neoplasias of B cell origin? Discuss in detail multiple myeloma-10 mks
4. Discuss
lymphomas- 25 mks
5. Discuss
metastatic tumours of jaw bones-25 mks
6. Giant cell
tumour of the bone-10 mks
7. Osteogenic
sarcoma-10 mks 10 mks
8. Metastatic
tumours of the jaw-10 mks 25mks
9. Discuss
tumours of nerve tissue origin-20 mks
10. Tumour
markers-10 mks
11. Oral tissue
neoplasms in children-10 mks
12. Discuss
NHLs of the oral cavity--10 mks
13. Discuss giant
cell tumour of the mandible--10 mks
14. Discuss
giant cell tumour--10 mks
15. Discuss
16. What is osteosarcoma?
describe its types and HP- 10 mks
17. Define
leukemia. Describe the clinical features and HP of monocytic leuk-10 mks
18. Discuss
vasoproliferative lesions of the oral mucosa-20 mks
19. Myofibroblastic
tumours-10 mks
20. Variants of
lipoma-10 mks with pathogenesis
21. Neurilemmoma-10
22. Pathogenesis
and variants of lipoma-10 mks
23. Ewing ‘s
sarcoma-10 mks
24. DD of
spindle cell tumours- 20 mks, 100 mks
25. Hodgkin’s
vs NHL-10 mks- coll
26. Chondrosarcoma-
10 mks-coll
27. Discuss the
neoplastic lesions of the jaw bones of CT origin- others
28. Discuss the
neoplastic lesions of jaw bones of CT origin- others
29. Discuss the
squamous odontogenic origin-others
30. Describe in
detail the spread of malignancy-
31. Discuss
Burkitt’s lymphoma-
32. Describe
lymph node tumours-
33. Rhabdomyosarcoma-
1. Discuss
odontogenic cysts- 20 mks
2. Describe
the histologic features and discuss the pathogenesis of dentigerous cyst- 20
3. Discuss
lesions of the jaw that contain dentin like material-10 mks
4. Radicular
cyst-10 mks
5. Define ,
classify cysts of the oral cavity and discuss in detail OKC- 25 mks
6. Discuss
pathogenesis of radicular cyst in correlation to H/P- 25 mks
7. Ghost cell
containing lesions-10 mks
8. OKC as a
cyst and a benign neoplasm- 10 mks
9. Cyst fluid
as a diagnostic marker-10 mks
10. Lesions of the
jaw that contain dentin like material-10 mks
11. Discuss
cemental lesions-20 mks
12. Discuss
OKC--10 mks
13. Define a
cyst. Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis and CF and HP of a periapical cyst-10
14. Pathogenesis
of RC-10 mks
15. Classify
cysts of the jaw. Discuss dentigerous cyst in detail- 20 mks
16. Describe
cystic lesions of the maxilla- others
17. Discuss
pathogenesis and diagnosis of dentigerous cysts- others
18. Discuss
histopathological variations in OKC- others
19. Discuss
cemental lesions- others
20. Clinical
and lab diagnosis of oral cysts-
21. Importance
of cystic epithelium-
22. Pathogenesis
of dentigerous cyst- 94
23. Role of
AGNORs of cyst- coll
24. Pathogenesis
of radicular cyst in correlation with H/p coll
1. Microbiology
of dental caries- 10 mks, 20 mks
2. Microbiology
of dental caries- 25 mks
3. Immunology
of dental caries-10 mks
4. Discuss
salivary caries activity tests-10 mks
5. Etiopathogenesis
of dental caries--20 mks
6. Discuss the
theories and etiology of dental caries--20 mks
7. Discuss the
current views in the Etiopathogenesis of DC-10 mks
8. Caries
susceptibility tests-10 mks
9. Caries
activity tests-10 mks
10. Discuss
bacterial plaque an its relationship to dental caries- others
11. Discuss in
detail pathology of surface caries- others
12. Discuss
pathogenesis and histopathology of incipient carious lesions- others
13. Discuss the
morphological and cultural characteristics of lactobacillus and discuss the
role played by it in dental caries- others
14. Discuss the
trends of recent histological research into the initial lesion of dental
caries- others
15. Critically
evaluate the mechanism of early enamel caries as revealed by modern research
technique- others
16. Describe
the mechanism of early enamel caries-
17. Etiology of
dental caries-
18. Histopathology
of DC- RGUHS 06-10 mks
19. Immunologic
approach to the prevention of dental caries-1996
20. Morphological
and cultural characteristics of Lactobacillus- GUJ
1. Discuss the
histopathology and immunopathology of pemphigus group of diseases- 20 mks
2. Discuss
lichen planus in detail-20 mks
3. Paraneoplastic
pemphigus-10 mks
4. Graft vs
host reaction- 10 mks
5. IHC of oral
dermatoses- 10 mks
6. Syndromes
related to genodermatoses- 10 mks(coll )
7. Enumerate
white lesions of the oral cavity and discuss in detail OLP- 25 mks
8. Immunologic
techniques in the diagnosis of PV--10 mks
9. Classify
white lesions of the oral cavity and discuss in detail dermatologic lesions-20
10. Discuss the
oral manifestations of pemphigus. Add a note on its IF. 10 mks
11. Pemphigus
and pemphigoid-10 mks
12. Vesiculobullous
lesions-100 mks
13. Pemphigus
vulgaris-10 mks
14. Muco-cutaneous
lesion-100 mks
15. Lupus Erythematosus-
16. Describe
various muco dermatologic lesions-
17. Oral
genodermatoses-100mks RGUHS 06-
18. Histopathogenesis
of OLP- 1997
19. IHC of oral
genodermatoses- coll
- Describe the development of maxilla and discuss the developmental
anomalies- 25 mks(MU)
- Classify and describe the developmental disorders
affecting the jaws and skull- -25 mks ( MU)
- Globulomaxillary cyst- 10 mks
- Discuss developmental disturbances of oral and paraoral
soft tissues- 20 mks(
- Describe the anatomy of the maxillary antrum and discuss
the lesions which are associated with it-20 mks
- Discuss the developmental disturbances affecting the
tongue-20 mks 10 mks
- Discuss the development of tongue and mention the
developmental anomalies thereof. 25 mks
- Developmental anomalies of teeth- 100 mks
- Discuss the environmental factors affecting the
structure of tooth-10 mks
- Enumerate and discuss the developmental cysts of the
oral cavity- 20 mks
- Discuss in detail the developmental anomalies associated
with the buccal mucosa--20 mks
- Dentin dysplasia--10 mks
- Discuss non- odontogenic cysts of the oral cavity--20
- Discuss lingual thyroid--10 mks
- Discuss the development of face and add a note on the
developmental anomalies affecting the
palate-10 mks
- Enumerate the swellings
of the palate and describe in detail torus palatines-20 mks
- Discuss the developmental anomalies affecting the
structure of teeth10 mks
- Enamel defects-10 mks
- Clefts in the oral and para-oral region-10 mks
- Discuss in detail env factors causing hypoplasia of
teeth- 20 mks
- Current concepts related to AI- 10 mks- coll
- Developmental anomalies affecting eruption- 10 mks coll
- Taurodontism- 10 mks coll
- Role of GS in the diagnosis of dev disorders of teeth-
10 mks coll
- Drugs and teeth defects- 10 mks coll
- Describe briefly
the dento- oral diseases with genetic implications- others
- Discuss pathogenesis and histopathology of Dermoid cyst-
- Discuss fissural cysts of oral region- others
- Describe Dermoid cyst-
- Describe the pathogenesis of hard odontogenic neoplasms
and dens- in dente-
- Environmental factors that play a role in enamel
hypoplasia- coll
- Hamartomas- coll
1. Discuss FD-
25 mks(MU)
2. Fibro-osseous
lesions- 100 mks(MU)
3. Enumerate
the non- neoplastic lesions of bone and describe in detail Paget’s disease-10
4. Discuss the
pathogenesis , clinical features and radiological findings of FO lesions- 25
5. Discuss the
histopathological DD of FO of jaw lesions-10 mks
6. Fibro-
osseous lesions- 10 mks ,20 mks
7. Discuss FD
of jaws--10 mks
8. Cemento-osseous
dysplasia-10 mks
9. Describe
pathogenesis and recent concepts of OI-20 mks-coll
10. Osteogenic
sarcoma-10 mks-coll
11. Radiographic
appearances of bone lesions involving the oral cavity- 10 mks- coll
12. Cherubism-
10 mks-coll
13. Osteoradionecrosis-
10 mks-coll
14. Paget’s
disease- 10 mks coll
15. Vanishing
bone disease- 10 mks coll
16. Discuss the
different aspects of cherubism and other intra- osseous giant cell
17. Diseases of
the bone- 94(100mks)
18. Classify FO
lesions. Detail- FD and OF- coll
19. Paget’s
20. Osteogenesis
imperfecta- coll
21. Cherubism-
- What Discuss tumours of nerve tissue origin- 25 mks(MU)
- What is
neuralgia? Describe the etiology and CF of TGN-10 mks
- Discuss TG neuralgia--10 mks coll
- Write about oro-facial neuralgias-
- Bell’s palsy- coll
- Hyperparathyroidism-10 mks
- Oral aspects of endocrinal dysfunction-
- Give pathogenesis , histopathology and biochemistry of
- Describe Diabetes mellitus w.r.t. oral lesions-
- Brown’s tumour- RGUHS 06-10 mks
- Hyperparathyroidism-1997
- Discuss the effect of hormones on oral tissues- 25
- Bite marks, role of bite marks in FO- 10 mks
- Age estimation by tooth-10 mks
- Advanced techniques in forensic od-10 mks
- Forensic od-100 mks
- Palatal rugae in FO-10 mks
- Write on forensic oral pathology-
- Describe the healing of an extraction wound--10 mks
- Describe healing of fracture bone- 10 mks
- Discuss the factors affecting the healing of wounds. Add
a note on the complications of healing of oral wpunds-10 mks
- Non healing sockets-10 mks
- Describe the healing of different oral wounds and the
factors affecting repair-20 mks
- Healing of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity-
short notes others
- Sickle cell anemia- 10 mks
- Leukemias-10 mks
- Classify anemia and discuss the lab diagnosis of
megaloblastic anemia-10 mks
- Discuss briefly the DD of vasoproliferative lesions of
the oral mucosa-10 mks
- LCH- 10 mks
- Diseases involving RBCs and their oral manifestations-
- Disorders of coagulation and their role in gingival
- DD of gingival bleeding-
- Hemophilia- coll
1. Role of
virus in oral lesions- 100 mks (MU)
2. Discuss the
microbial flora of the oral cavity and in AIDS-25 mks ( MU)
3. Candidiasis-
10 mks
4. TB- 10 mks
5. Discuss
viral lesions of oral tissues and the diagnostic principle of the same-25 mks
6. Discuss
oral histoplamosis-10 mks
7. Oral
manifestations of AIDS- 10 mks
8. Opportunistic
oral infections- 10 mks
9. Oral
lesions in TB--10 mks
10. Oral
mycotic infections-20 mks
11. Discuss
herpetic and herpetiform lesions of the oral cavity- others
12. Define
viruses. Discuss the phenomenon of tissue reaction to viral infections- others
13. Write short
notes on gumma- others
14. Discuss the
systemic bacterial and protozoal diseases with oral manifestations- others
15. Short
notes- tuberculous Osteomyelitis- others
16. Discuss
clinical and H/P aspects of candidiasis- others
17. Candidiasis
with investigative procedures to confirm the lesions- others
18. Describe
oral spirochetal lesions and their lab diagnosis-
19. Consequences
of focal and systemic infections-
20. Describe
protozoan parasites and their oral lesions-
21. What is a
virus? lesions associated with HSV- 94
22. Molluscum
contagiosum- coll
RGUHS - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences; GU - Gujarat University; MU - Mangalore University; Coll - Other deemed universities; Mks - Mark Questions
RGUHS - Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences; GU - Gujarat University; MU - Mangalore University; Coll - Other deemed universities; Mks - Mark Questions
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